American Healthcare System In a Nutshell


Looks like you don't have a health insurance so we're just gonna let you die. Okay fantastic thank you!


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  1. And here we go……

  2. Yes. We should be like socialist countries. There you die waiting to see a doctor.

    “It’s not just long wait times that have some Canadians shopping for medical care out of the country. Canada is home to just over 35 million people, and with a population that small, there aren’t always enough specialists to cope with demand. This leads some patients to seek consultations and advice outside of Canada to access a greater range of facilities and specialists, and to tap into a greater pool of expertise.”

    • “The United States far outspends any other nation on health care, measured both in per capita spending and as a percentage of GDP. Despite this, the country has significantly worse healthcare outcomes when compared to peer nations. The United States is the only developed nation without a system of universal health care, with a large proportion of its population not carrying health insurance, a substantial factor in the country’s excess mortality.”

    • Most American hospitals have to satisfy the executives, boards, and stock holders.
      If the facilities don’t show double digit profit, big changes are made. If you want to
      make big bucks, invest in health care operations.
      If you think costs are high now just wait. Tesla, Amazon,and Facebook have had their
      good profitable days. Soon the likes of Musk and others will take over health care,
      and you will see costs soar as these pricks manipulate the price of stocks.

    • To tell you the truth... January 3, 2023

      2020 I would have died. Hadn’t to wait for treatment. The reality of a “socialist” western European country against rightard fake news. Don’t listen to that clown.
      Every country with free healthcare has a higher survival rate than the US. Because other countries don’t let their poor and unemployed die. And all of it for a cheaper price for the individual tax payer than the American system for the individal patient. That’s why Europeans have no problem financing healthcare for all. Because you never know if you might need that same cancer treatment like some other guy.
      Americans don’t stand united. It’s everyone for himself. They don’t know a real society and solidarity. They are kept in a state of asocial solitary aimlessness. They get programmed to pursue only one goal. Get rich. But 99% of them won’t. They are drones. They are slaves kept on the short leash of the illusion of the American dream and fear of imaginary dangers.

    • In today’s Canada, they ENCOURAGE “assisted suicide”…as HEALTHCARE.

  3. Health care investment you say, maybe I should divert a few bucks away from my re-election
    campaign. Have more money in there than legally aloud to spend.
    Thanks for the tip- – – sucker!

  4. Actually, given her age, even fully insured, they would send her home to die, and put her on hospice, if she stubbed her toe. There’s a real, let anyone with a gray hair just die, sentient with the medical community here lately. The whole covid/respirator shortage thing really got them into a mindset of picking and choosing patient outcomes.

    • 3rd world standards – America

    • They can’t even get their heads around the metric system. Instead they use some medieval units measured by some dead king’s stinky foot and waste millions of dollars because people do more mistakes converting units in the imperial system than they would in the metric system.

    • You are just afraid of decimals. Keep with your rediculously inaccurate fractions. Fragile like your self-esteem.

  5. Canadian Health Care System: Poor, feeling bad, chose euthanasia! No age restrictions. Easy to qualify. Canada, we’ll just kill you.
    You know it’s true so don’t deny it.

    • I’m not Canadian. I don’t think that’s true. Sounds more like puritan American social dawinism. “God doesn’t love poor people or they wouldn’t be poor. Let the poor die.”

  6. Just read about Justine Trudeaus euthanization policy. It’s up to 10% of all deaths now. Monsters!

    • Must have got that from Trump. The orange mass murderer killed millions of American citizens. And he is still not in prison. Money aristocracy of America. The rest of you are just slaves.
      They didn’t free the blacks, they just made the whites slaves too. Ingenius fake freedom.

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