Jehovah’s Witnesses vs. Christmas


Tell Beth merry Christmas for us. She doesn't celebrate Christmas. She's Jehovah's Witness, remember? Oh, yeah, I forgot. Tell her we said knock knock then.


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  1. Barack and I think it’s a right for people to have badakathcare

    • Healthcare is freedom December 17, 2022

      The whole world thinks that. Except American republicans. Because they want to live people in fear of sickness. Keep the American 99% slaves.

    • Who holds the whip to force health care professionals to work for free?

    • They earn several times more than their counterparts in the EU.

    • Since when do healthcare professionals work for free? Some people don’t understand healthcare… obviously.

    • Then the math doesn’t make sense. If health care is free but the health professionals receive money, who pays it?

    • It is paid by the same people who pays for the tarmac you drive your car on, the flowers in the park that your better half loves to smell, the school where you send your children, the police, the fire department, the military. In other words, you and me.

    • Don’t worry everyone. Trump repealed and replaced Obamacare on day 1, remember?? (NOT)

      For 8 years the GOP told you Obamacare was the worst bill in history, yet they still haven’t come up with any suggestions for how to improve it. They even gave up and quit talking about it. Think about it. Either they were lying to you and Obamacare is not that bad, or they’re too incompetent to improve the worst thing ever. Why would you listen to them now?

    • The GOP doesn’t give a **** about your health. All they want is your slave work for the 1%. If you drop dead another slave will take your position.

    • Ahhhhhh now I finally understood. When you say it’s free, you mean it costs just half of my pay check in taxes. This free stuff looks very expensive.

    • “. When you say it’s free, you mean it costs just half of my pay check in taxes. This free stuff looks very expensive.”

      Ahh yes. Lets drop all payment to public institutions. Oh your house caught fire because of a faulty electrical installation?, Well, not my problem. Let it burn, I hope you have pail so you can gather some water from a lake some where and that way put the fire out.

    • A) 50% of Americans are too stupid to understand how taxes work.
      B) The other half is frustrated because the government can’t handle the tax money right – which is a result of point A.
      Taxes work all over the word, people are happy and countries run healthcare, social services and infrastructure on it. Even in “sh*t-hole countries.” Only America fails at everything.

    • A. If you understood how tax works you wouldn’t call it free health care, but tax payers funded, single-payer health care.
      B. Giving your right to choose away to be bureaucrats far away is stupid
      C. I work for a multinational with office in Canada and USA. The same position pays twice more to American location because in Canada the government burdens the companies twice more.
      D. I spend less than 10% of my pay check in tax free health expenses.
      E. Do the math and see why the world wants to come to the USA, not Canada.
      F. Being a self righteous, math illiterate, makes you look dumb, not smart.

    • You win at math but lose at freedom. Sad. You don’t get it.

    • I know more people that rather go to Canada than the U.S. Only desperate people from Central and South America fearing for their lives want to go to the U.S. Because they can get there without a plane… And maybe some people from the rest of the globe who want to become actors in Hollywood…

    • Our health care system in Canada is under pressure, and could collapse
      unless reforms occur. We do not need thousands of uneducated migrants
      coming into the country. If you have a decent level of education where you
      can contribute right away your welcome no matter we’re you’re from.

    • America is the only first world country without national healthcare.

      Instead of paying taxes, we (and our employers) pay a lot more to private companies. If our employers didn’t have to pay for healthcare, they could hire more and increase pay.

      My employer picks and controls my healthcare options. (Those decisions are already being made by bureaucrats far away. It’s stupid. ) Change jobs? You have to change plans and maybe doctors…. that’s stupid too

    • Lost job? Lost all investments in your health care! Boss declares bancruptcy? Die on the streets! That’s slavery, not freedom.

    • If the US are a first world country is still in debate. Might have lost that status some time ago.

  2. Your country's boat people December 17, 2022

    We find Christmas offensive.

  3. Knock knock,
    Who’s there?
    Donald Trump,
    Donald Trump who?
    Fuc#ers are beginning to forget me.

    • Stop picking on my running mate.

    • I thought Mrs. Greene will be running with Trump? Well, there are always Boebert or Gaetz to run with Trump. What about Herschel?

  4. Here Is Some Help December 17, 2022

    They are all going to run with trump together so that way they can put their total IQ’s together and get a double digit number.

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