Ridiculous Matching Outfits From 1970s Fashion Magazines


These tacky matching outfits would get ridiculed to shreds in today’s world. There are only so many belted tank tops and leopard onesies a person can tolerate before losing his mind, and the 1970s pushed the boundaries of this limit, for sure. Scroll down to see the funniest examples of weird 1970s fashion!

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.

Ridiculous 1970s matching couple outfits.


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  1. Just wondering January 6, 2023

    Has anyone noticed how quite Mr. Mouth, Joe Rogan, has been
    about Dana White slapping his wife. Usually when a celebrity does
    something wrong, Mr. Mouth is all over it like a fly in a shit pile.

  2. Good gawd, the seventies should be assigned to histories garbage bin.
    My eyes are still stinging.

  3. And you still think boomers can make decent decissions?

    • Well of course, just watch how the Speaker of the house is selected.
      This farce is being played out on the idiot box right now.

    • Rest of the World January 7, 2023

      The world is laughing at America.

    • They should follow DTs advice. Stop counting votes at the right point. So easy.

    • How about giving real democracy a try? Not that 2-party dictatorship.

    • The US are now in the hands of 20 freaks that prefer making a spectacle of themselves in talk shows and on neonazi rallies than governing a country. Good bye, America.

    • 6-yr-olds shooting at their teachers. That’s America. Doomed.

    • NRA and GOP are applauding the 6 year old. He shot an intellectual. Conservative hero.

  4. Wow. I’m sure glad I lived long enough that I’m no longer the target audience.

  5. Hey, looks like they weren’t afraid to look stupid and had some fun in life.

  6. To the lib who posted, “Do you think boomers can make decent decissions.”
    Not always, but at least we know how to spell decisions. We also didn’t wear our belts and underwear down to our knees or actually pay money for jeans that look like you barely survived a bear attack.
    To the person who said “The world is laughing at America.”— Then why are millions of people risking their lives to get here?
    To the idiot who said the way the speaker of the house is elected is a farce. I suggest you go a dictatorship, where one person gets to approve everybody through fake elections. There’s no arguing then!

    • Concerned citizen January 7, 2023

      You are way too serious, lighten up and enjoy what life presents you.

    • Lib from such an ape is an acknoledgement of ones legitimate classification as Homo sapiens sapiens. Check.
      Not a native speaker. So, why care. Check.
      Wearing trousers the right way. Not under the armpits like him. Check.
      Wearing trousers without holes. Because can afford new ones. Check.
      You are a typical conservative American dumba**. CHECK.
      The other guys have done well, too. Check.

    • laughing guy January 7, 2023

      People risk it because there are worse places than America. That doesn’t mean American is a good place. It’s just easy to get there because it’s on the same continent. Swimming to Europe, Australia or even Africa and Asia might be a hard task for normal humans. Better payed attention in geography back in the school days, eh?

    • American politics is a farce. America are not a real democracy anymore. It might have been innovative in the 17-hundreds. Today it’s a two party dictatorship. Two parties blocking each other and achieving nothing while the rest of the world, dictatorships included, advance into the future. It’s outdated and not fair. Same as the British, for example. Same political clusterf*ck that can lead to a new dictatorship. Other countries already learned that lesson, modernized their democracies and made them more robust. But I guess that’s too liberal. Because why not stay in the 18th century. Great conservative times. Civil rights and mortality seem on the right track for that already.

  7. I like corn

  8. Looks like the 4th guy couldn’t get a date…

  9. How do all you forking idiots make something political out of pictures of bad fashion?
    And if you don’t like the U.S., don’t come here. Stay where you are.

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